The Pilgrim's Way, Clonmacnoise, Co. Offaly.

Location – This is one that you will have to spot for yourself as it is a pathway so making a map reference is difficult as it is too long to get an accurate reading.

Description and History – This is a simple flagstone pathway that isn’t very wide and is part of the route that pilgrims took to get to the site. Again this is something that puts you in touch with the real people of the site and walking along it you get a sense of history and the thousands and thousands of people who have walked that past in the many hundreds of years that it has been there. The remaining portions of this path lead from the Cathedral to the exit gate of the surrounding enclosure. If you are going to visit the Nun’s church you will be sure to find it. The road between the new graveyard and the Nun’s church is part of the pilgrim’s way and this portion was constructed in 1026 by the abbot Breasal Conailleach.

Difficulty – This is a little tricky to find as the grass does grow over it in places. It can also be a little slippy.

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