Cairn J, Carnbane West, Loughcrew, Co. Meath.

Location – This is the closest tomb to cairn L and it located at the very rear of the larger tomb.
OS: N 571 774 (map 42)
GPS: N 57100 77432 (Accuracy – 3m)
Longitude: 7° 8' 4.1" W
Latitude: 53° 44' 36.13" N

See map at the bottom of the page.

Description and History – Little remains of this tomb which has a circumference of 41m and a diameter of 14m. Whatever alignment is there is now blocked by the later cairn L indicating that by the time cairn L was build cairn J had already lost significance. There were three decorated stone recorded in the 19th century, although I could find no trace of these.

Difficulty – Directly behind cairn L, easy to find. 

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