Tomb 15, Passage Tomb, Carrowmore, Co. Sligo.

Location – Leaving the visitors centre and heading back towards Sligo town turn right before tomb 13 and tomb 15 is visible on the left hand side of the road and will be above you on a little rise in the land.

Description and History – Because of the access dispute I could not get into this monument so I only have pictures from the one angle. What remains in a small double circle with no remains of the passage tomb within. The outer circle is roughly 11m in diameter and the inner circle is 8m in diameter. Cremated bones, antler pins, quartz, shells and flint were all found here.

Difficulty – Although there is a stile making access easy I have been told that there is a dispute over access with the land owners so I would advise seeking permission to be safe.

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Sorry about my shadow.